
In this type of die head, the melt resin from extruder comes out continuously in the shape of a tubular Parison. This is similar to the extrusion heads for blown films. The continuous parison die heads can be either centre fed or side fed depending on the entry of melt resin from extruder to die head.
Accumulator Die Head

The oldest one is external type where the accumulating chamber is external to the die head. In this type higher power is required to pushout the parison and the quality of parison is not good.
Then the built in vertical accumulator head is developed. The quality of parison is much better compared to the external type accumulator and power consumption to pushout parison is low. The initial models were LIFO (Last In First Out) type were the first entered melt resin stayed for a longer time leading to degradation of the resin. Then the FIFO (First In First Out) type developed leading to lesser degradation of resin. This gives the best quality of Parison.
Another type of accumulator head is screw type where the accumulator chamber is an extension of the extruder like injection moulding machines. These type have the lowest degradation of melt resin and suitable for sensitive materials like PC etc.
Multi Parison Die Heads

Multi layer Die Heads
In multi layer heads multiple extruders process different materials or same material of different colors and formed into a co-centric parison to enhance the property of end product.